What We Do

The Electrical Technology program gives students everything they need to prepare to be electricians. Electricity is essential for light, power, air-conditioning, and refrigeration, and electricians are trained to install, connect, test, and maintain electrical systems for a variety of purposes. Students in Electrical Technology may work indoors or outdoors on a variety of construction sites as well as in our program’s lab. This course provides training to prepare electricians in both the fields of construction and maintenance.



Successful students in this program have these academic opportunities available to them.

 - Occupational Safety & Health (OSHA) 10 hour certification

 - 300 hours credited toward the Vermont Electrical Registered Apprenticeship Program

 - Opportunity to test for the 1st year of the Vermont Electrical Apprenticeship Program

Instructor Information

Instructor: Brandon Morris

Email: bmorris@cvtcc.org

Phone: (802) 476.6237 ext. 2016

Shop Phone: (802) 476.6237 ext. 2131

See the link above to our Program of Studies for further information about this program, including...

- Textbook

- Recommended Reading Level

- Recommended Math Skills

- CVCC Safety Exam

and more!

Education that works.